Thursday, August 21, 2008


While Mom and Dad Provost are visiting Grandma and Grandad, Jay and I are taking care of one of their cats. Meet Beezie:
Beezie has a thyroid problem, and she eats and eats and eats but never feels full. Somehow, she's also thin as a rail. She needs medicine twice a day, which is why she's currently situated in our spare room. And because she's hungry all the time, she meows. And meows. And meows some more. Every time she hears me in the kitchen, she meows. When I'm in bed, I occasionally hear a yowling to beat all other yowling. If I say, "hi, Beezie," from another room, she answers with a barrage of meows.

I feel bad that the poor cat is locked in a room by herself all day, but the two-cat one-Sarah issue is a problem. The cats hiss and spit whenever they meet, so we can't let Beezie out (plus she'd probably eat everything in sight). When I sit with Beezie, Dinah gets intense pangs of jealousy and scratches at the door and squeaks her pathetic little meow (we were originally hoping that Beezie would teach Dinah proper meowing, but now I'm not so sure that would be a good thing).

Dinah is simultaneously terrified and intrigued by Beezie. She parks herself outside the door and stares at it:
Sorry Beezie! I know Dinah looks like a delicious mouthful, but you can't have her!

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